NDIS and Media Posts

There is a lot of media focus with a negative spin on the NDIS at the moment, along with letters being sent directly to all Support Coordinators around the action being taken against providers who are engaging in fraudulent practices.
May 29 / Mary Ingerton

Most of you would have received an email from Michael Phelan, Acting Commissioner, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and Rebecca Falkingham, CEO, NDIA relating to the action they are taking against Support Coordinators and Plan Managers who are engaging in fraudulent practices within the NDIS.

We wanted to touch base as we are sure you are feeling the wide range of emotions we felt when we first read this correspondence. I think we can all agree that we don’t want to work in a NDIS where participants are being taken advantage of.

We have worked with thousands of Support Coordinators since Support Coordination Academy was established in 2015, and we know that the majority of Support Coordinators and Plan Managers do the right thing for their participants every day by helping  participants to understand their plan, connect with support and assist them to achieve great outcomes. We acknowledge it can be frustrating to continue to remain positive when media statements and letters like this are published.

It is important to understand the context of why we are seeing these media reports and statements from the Government. Looking at the recent correspondence and media coverage of the NDIS can help to show all of the competing pressures and how the NDIS is becoming a key issue in politics.

It is easy to spend our energy focusing on what is not working within the NDIS, especially when we feel we are not valued, or our professions respected.  This is why Support Coordination Academy has decided to focus our energy and attention on capturing and celebrating the positive impacts that Support Coordinators and Plan Managers have on people with disability each and every day.

We would love to collate your good news stories, deidentified of course, so these can be shared with the NDIA and NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission to remind them of the excellent work you do supporting your participants.

You can send us your good news stories to info@scacademy.com.au or contact us through our website.   We are passionate about empowering Support Coordinators to provide quality and professional services, so if we can help you in any way, please get in touch!

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