NDIS Report writing template for Support Coordinators

Sep 24 / Tim McNamara

NDIS Report writing template for Support Coordinators

Reporting can be a daunting task for Support Coordinators, but it's an important part of the role to assist participants to access the supports they need to live their best lives. Our custom-made templates for 8 week/Progress Reports and end of plan Review Reports can help make your reporting responsibilities easier.

Support Coordinators play a vital role in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), assisting participants to manage and implement  their NDIS plan, by building their capacity to understand the NDIS, utilise their funding, link in supports and services and increase their natural connections and inclusion in the community.

Support Coordinators are a safeguarding role between the NDIS and a participant.  This means ensuring a participant receives the supports that have agreed to receive, supporting a participant to resolve complex issues and providing Reports to the NDIS to advise of any barriers or risks that would prevent a participant from being able to manage and implement their NDIS plan. 

Unlock Excellence in Reporting through NDIS Support Coordinator Training

Reporting in the NDIS is crucial for effective service delivery.

Our NDIS Support Coordinator Training program, conducted over four half-day online workshops, offers in-depth learning resources and self-assessment tools. One of these workshops focuses exclusively on understanding NDIS reporting, providing you with the essentials for effective and compliant reporting.

For those new to Support Coordination, our entry-level courses offer a structured pathway to gain comprehensive insights into the NDIS ecosystem. And for those looking to further refine their skills, we provide a range of advanced Support Coordination courses that cover practical aspects such as building resilient networks and planning and identifying priorities.

Streamlining Your Reporting Process with Automation

What NDIS reports do Support Coordinators need to complete, and when?

According to the NDIS, Support Coordinators should complete the following reports:

  • Initial plan implementation report completed 8 weeks after a participant’s plan begins or after the Support Coordinator accepts a referral to work with a participant.  Support Coordinators should review and outline:
    • what the participant and Support Coordinator have agreed to work on
    • steps taken by the Support Coordinator within the first few weeks to help the participant to utilise their NDIS plan.

  • Mid-term or progress reports can also be requested in a NDIS Request for Service, which is a formal NDIS referral to support a participant.  Support Coordinators should:
    • detail how they have supported a participant to manage and implement their NDIS plan
    • provide a general progress update on how the participant is progressing and identify any barriers to utilising the NDIS funds and/or any emerging risks or concerns
    • outline the work a participant has agreed for a Support Coordinator to work on in the future, including how any actions or strategies will be implemented to address any barriers, risks or concerns.

  • An end of plan Review Report should be completed before the participant’s next plan Reassessment date or at the end of each year, if the period of a participant’s NDIS plan is longer than one year.  The participant and their Support Coordinator should reflect on how the participant’s plan has been implemented, including:
    • how the participant used the funding in their NDIS plan to pursue their goals, the links to community supports and mainstream services, progress towards their goals, and outcomes achieved  
    • the actions taken to support a participant to build their capacity to manage and implement their NDIS plan and achieve their life goals
    • any barriers or challenges which may have impacted on the plan implementation, including what the impact was and how the Support Coordinator worked with the participant to address and overcome these challenges
    • the future goals for the participant and recommendations of the supports required to support the participant to achieve their life goals.

Next Steps for Support Coordinators

  1. Enrol Now: Enrol in our online NDIS Support Coordinator Training to elevate your skills in report writing.
  2. Stay up-to-date: Keep an eye on our blog for the latest tips and updates.
  3. Upgrade Your Support Coordination tools: Invest in support coordination software to ensure you can easily evidence how a participant has been supported and to make the reporting process more efficient and accurate.
  4. Build Strong Networks: Establish a strong network with service providers, community organisations, and other stakeholders.

Take the next step in your career and become a pro at NDIS Progress Reports.

Our NDIS support coordination courses are designed to equip you with the up-to-date skills to excel in your role

Reach out to us today for more information about Support Coordination training.

Learn more about Support Coordinator training

With these workshops, you don't just learn; you grow into the role, ready to link, coach, refine, and review your way to becoming an exceptional Support Coordinator.

For more details on what each workshop covers, visit our course bundles page.

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